Ann Altstatt - Why is There Something Instead of Nothing? (Closing Reception)

A conversation with the artist and live performance by Kite Hands Glowing

Sat., Nov. 2, 2024
Doors at 6:30pm | Show at 7pm
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Join us on Saturday, November 2nd for a special event to mark the closing of "Why is There Something Instead of Nothing?," a site-specific installation by Ann Altstatt. We will feature a conversation with the artist and special live performance by Kite Hands Glowing.
Free to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Ann Altstatt

Ann Altstatt is an interdisciplinary artist whose work explores temporality, the intersections of scientific inquiry and mysticism, and the hidden stories of the material world. Their other research interests include paleontology, cosmology, discard studies, human relationships with the non-human, and multi-species survival in the face of global climate chaos. Ann graduated from the Digital Arts and New Media MFA at University of California, Santa Cruz in 2018. As a founding collective member at The Fábrica textile workshop since 2010, their arts practice remains informed by community engagement, collaborative processes, and material reuse. They are honored to have been recognized by the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County as a 2020/2021 Rydell Visual Arts Fellow. Ann lives on the historic floodplain of the San Lorenzo River, with their partner and kiddo, a cat, two dogs, five chickens and innumerable termites. 

Kite Hands Glowing

Kite Hands Glowing started as a poetic concept-- a phrase that came to mind while observing the in-between liminal seasonal shift from late-winter to spring. It is in effect, a way to say late winter, a way to say 'drip-drop in the storm drain', and a way to wonder about how to describe ineffable beauty the land and ocean hold, the stories they tell, when one can listen. Kite Hands Glowing then became the musical project of Nadia Lucia. Nadia started playing music with friends in 2008 in Santa Cruz, and has been inspired deeply by the house shows and creativity of her friends from years of world-building around Awaswas-speaking Yupi territory, a magical land and watershed that is a part of the wider Ohlone territories, also called Santa Cruz, California. Nadia has been writing poetry and music since she was a child; and loves that the band's current iteration has Marc Brown on the drums, Lucas Ehster on guitar and slide, Harrison Brand playing keys and guitar, and Wesley Somers playing bass. Their combined sound takes these contemplative lullabye-esque folksie bedroom piano and guitar songs into a more full dimension of themselves; offering to the audience the opportunity to move their bodies if they wish, or sway like a tall grass in the old wind. 

Ann Altstatt - Why is There Something Instead of Nothing? (Closing Reception)

A conversation with the artist and live performance by Kite Hands Glowing

Sat., Nov. 2, 2024
Doors at 6:30pm | Show at 7pm
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