Introducing the Indexical Podcast
Posted on 2/17/2017

Thanks to the heroic efforts of Madison Heying and Jon Myers, who have coordinated and planned a series of interviews and episodes for the next couple months, Indexical is proud to announce the first episode of our podcast.

You can subscribe to the podcast directly through iTunes:

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  2. Paste in the url

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Here’s a description of Indexical Podcast #1:

Madison Heying and Jon Myers take us through a few excerpts of performances from January 2017. Zachary James Watkins and RAGE THORMBONES perform their first-ever trio set, with all three artists on electronic and acoustic setups. Ma'ayan Tsadka’s Underwater Museum of Extinct Sounds and Imaginary Water Creatures explores a post-human Earth through hydrophones, narrated by George Lucas.

If you have any trouble subscribing, please email [email protected] with a description of your error, and we’ll do our best to help.